maandag 3 maart 2008

First moving stuff

At last I got around to actually animating some stuff for the project. This is still a test-run of the rig and getting myself familiar again with the maya way of animating. No intense movement here. Main thing I noticed, is that I am gonna need A LOT of practice. Maya animation is sortof the other way around as, well perhaps most comparable, puppet animation. In stead of manipulating the puppet from the torso outward (to the fingertips for example) you manipulate the extremeties...which means a lot of tweaking so that it seams she is moving on her own rather than that the hands seem to have a will of their own. Perhaps maya animation is better compared to actual puppetry with the strings and stuff. These are just some thoughts I keep in mind and perhaps can use or exagerate in the next tests.
The design is heavily inspired by the gorgeous film `Pas de Deux` from Norman Mclaren.